Ascham Road, Grange Park, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 6BE
£570 pcm
Key Information
Forefront are delighted to market this superb terraced house with spacious and well presented accommodation comprising, two bedrooms, bathroom, large sitting room, kitchen/dining room, large private garden, uPVC double glazing, gas central heating and parking. This fantastic property is situated in the popular area of Grange Park, within close proximity to many of the town's top local amenities and should be viewed at your very earliest opportunity.
ENTRANCE HALL Entrance door. Door to lounge. Stairs rising to first floor landing.
LOUNGE 13' 7" x 10' 4" (4.14m x 3.15m) Window to front aspect.
KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM 13' 3" x 8' 4" (4.04m x 2.54m) Window to rear aspect. Door to rear garden. Modern fitted kitchen comprising: range of fitted units at both eye and base level. Sink unit. Recess for appliances. Built in oven and hob with extractor hood over. Area for table and chairs.
LANDING Doors to bedrooms and bathroom.
BEDROOM 1 12' 5" x 10' 3" (3.78m x 3.12m) Window to front aspect. Doors to built in storage.
BEDROOM 2 9' 5" x 6' 9" (2.87m x 2.06m) Window to rear aspect.
BATHROOM Window to rear aspect. Suite comprising: Panelled bath with shower over. WC. Wash hand basin. Tiled splash backs.
REAR GARDEN Private gardens which are mainly laid to lawn. Patio area. Shrubs and fencing to borders.
FRONT GARDEN Main garden area is laid to lawn. Path leads to front door.
PARKING Allocated parking for 1 vehicle.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS 2003 - Intending purchasers/tenants will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers/tenants are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Forefront has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyer's/tenants interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Forefront has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers/tenants must obtain verification from their solicitor.
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